Craftsposure and Make & Tell free printables!

Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset

I spent the first day of the holiday trying out my new found free printable and planning out for the coming days and weeks.

If you are a design-obsessed like me and you own a planner, this post is for you.

Craftsposure and Make and tell posted this months ago and I just found this out from Pinterest last Saturday. I’ve been searching for a very cute and simple free-printable for months, thank you for that one pinner friend who pinned this pin on Pinterest. Lol

These are the two sets of printable.

First printable is a very fun, colorful, and cute graphics of food, mail, plants, and stuff. See Make & Tell post so you can download your free printable.


The second printable is a black-and-white-word graphic. Head over to Craftsposure post to download this one.


I enjoyed using these set because of the excellent design + it is FREE!

So get your printer and sticker ready. I used Asia Matte sticker for this one because the quality of the paper is thebombdotcom, Best Buy sticker paper is a good alternative too.

Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset

It is not too late to design that planner. Go download the printables now!

Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset

Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset



Tell me down below if you tried these printables. If you have recommended websites about graphics and planners, let m let me know. That would mean a lot!


Thank you for reading!

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